Your life is the way you influence!
Pain in the neck 字面上是「脖子的那個痛點」有沒有肩頸痠痛、怎麼揉都還是痛所以很煩躁?就是這個感覺!這句話形容讓你很頭痛、覺得很麻煩甚至是厭煩的人事物,來表示對方就像是揮之不去的脖子痛一樣惹人厭🙄
超級惹人厭 Pain in the neck
- 這當然是比較文雅的說法,比較粗魯一點會說 pain in the ass 或 pain in the butt「屁股裡的痛」例如 Stop being a pain in the ass!(不要再這麼討人厭了!)
- 日常生活中出現率爆炸高,每次都是翻白眼或大暴怒的講😂 語氣會影響意思,也可以寵溺的說 My niece can be a pain in the neck sometimes but I still love her to the moon and back.(我姪女有時候是個麻煩精、討厭鬼,但我還是超愛她🥰)
- 例句:I’m sorry to be a pain in the neck but could you please explain again? 抱歉,我不是要讓你厭煩,但你可以再解釋一遍嗎?
- 例句:Mike is such a pain in the neck, I hate working with him! Mike超惹人厭的,我討厭跟他共事!